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A Date You'll Never Forget...

There is a date that most people will never forget. It happens once a year and "boom;" all of a sudden our age moves up a digit. Some choose to celebrate big, some choose to stay low key. It's the day your life began...your Birthday!

I've shared this testimony with some, and whenever I have a birthday I'm reminded of it. In 2018, when I was procrastinating with publishing my first book. God did something to get my attention. He knew I shared The Word every morning after my devotion and study time with Him. This one morning in July was different. The Word of the day on the Bible app was,

James 3:13

"Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom."

To many, this is just another Scripture. To me, it was my sign to draw closer and hear what God was telling me. You guessed it, March 13th is my birthday. :) When you pray and ask God to help you, give you wisdom, lead and guide you, etc.; don't be surprised when He answers. When He answers, pay close attention. To some, this may seem like a coincidence, but I know God is intentional. He doesn't play games like we do.

The truth is, I had an assignment. I was to complete the poetry book He inspired me to share. I was losing focus. The closer I got to completing the book of poems, the more nervous I became. I've always written poems and I journal daily, but I never wrote a book. I never published a book; I never had to hire an editor; I never had to copyright a body of work I wrote; I never needed a graphic artist, I never had anyone in my immediate family that published a book.

I was working, teaching Sunday school, attending Bible Study, helping others and serving, but I was sleeping on the job. Because this was an unknown journey, I was letting all the "I never had" take over. I needed to remember God's Word and apply Philippians 4:13. I had to believe I can do all things through Christ. The assignment God gave me wasn't complete.

July 20, 2018, God woke me up and got my attention. Once I saw the Word, I prayed. I told my coworkers, and my sisters about the Word. That day and days after I kept seeing my birthday numbers--in sequence. It would not stop! I had to pray and ask God to reveal what He wanted me to know. I knew there was more to it...and it was. My sister suggested I play the numbers...LOL! God led me to His Word. It was there, He led me on an interesting journey through Birthday Scripture.

Did you know The Bible has a Scripture for every Birthday? Don't believe me, write your birth month and date and look it up for yourself in your Bible, on your app or go to I shared this with my Sunday school students and they enjoyed this fun and personal experience of finding God in their Birthday Scripture. I made a document (yes, I copied and pasted every 3:13 Scripture) so I can always remember how God got my attention. I also pray that you will find joy as you search for your Birthday Scriptures.

Make every Bible Study fun; most of all, make it personal.

Here's another...

"Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches."

Revelation 3:13

Be Blessed


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