Have a Blessed Tuesday with Jesus.✨Seek Him First. Meditate on John 4. “God is Spirit”means He is not a physical being limited to one place. He is present everywhere, and He can be worshiped anywhere, at anytime.
Where we worship is not what counts but how we worship. Is our worship genuine and true? Do we have the Holy Spirit’s help? How does the Holy Spirit help us worship? The Holy Spirit prays for us (Romans 8:26), reminds us of the Words of Jesus (John 14:26), cleanses our minds and consciences (Titus 3:4-7), and tells us we are loved (Romans 5:5).🙏🏾
”God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”“
John 4:24 NIV
(Study from Life Application Study Bible)
