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Be Busy, But Don't Lose Focus

No matter who you are or your walk in life, you have something to do. Whether it's in your own home, caring for your children, completing a task at work, or volunteering at church; there is always something to do. This keeps us busy. Add to all that, the upcoming holidays. It is very easy to neglect Who covers us the most. It is ok to be busy, but don't lose your focus. Every Christian should remember to keep their focus on Jesus Christ.

A certain scripture keeps being revealed and this week has appeared to me on three occasions: it was given to me to share at our women's Bible study, a minister mentioned that same scripture in the Bible study and again today in my December 1st entry of my new Devotions for Christmas book! When this happens, I know it is the Holy Spirit...and I get excited!! He has an urgent message to share: Let us...keep our eyes on Jesus, the source and perfecter of our faith. Hebrews 12:2 (HCSB)

I do not see these as funny coincidences, I see these as divine occurrences. God's Word is life. God's Word is direction. No one should be so busy, they cannot see or recognize the Holy Spirit trying to get their attention. I don't just leave it there, I pray "Lord, what do You want me do?" His answer was in the scripture: "keep your eyes on Jesus,..." Sadly, many will continue in their busyness and not ever hear the Holy Spirit calling. I'm reminded in my Life Application Study Bible that we need to give up whatever endangers our relationship with God. We don't need to be so busy, we cannot focus on Him and hear His voice.

When is the last time you heard the Holy Spirit speak to you? It is a personal question only you can answer. The next step is to spend time in God's Holy Word--for yourself. Make time to pray and thank Him for the time He has given, thank Him for Grace and Mercy. Ask Him to help you manage your busyness. Your Joy will increase, because you have spent time with The Source of your Joy.

May we all make more time with Jesus and Share His Joy in and out of Season!

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