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Election Reflections and Poetic Prayers

I’m praying we understand no matter who wins at the poll; God is in complete control.✅ I’m praying no matter the results in this election; we all move forward following God’s direction.✅ I’m praying we all put on our Spiritual Glasses so we see divided we are falling;

but God will help us if it’s Him we’re sincerely trusting and calling.✅ I’m praying when Our Father looks down on us He will see; His children walking in peace and unity. ✅ Pray~Be Safe~Be Kind~Vote~Pray Let’s leave our children a better place; let’s put the UNITED back in our States.🇺🇸 #Jesuswins2020 #speakjoy247 #faithmovesmountains

“How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭133:1‬ ‭NIV‬‬

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