Have a Blessed Wednesday with Jesus. ❤️Seek Him First. Jesus has given believers a code of ethics to be blessed. Our conduct should reflect our Kingdom values (what is eternal); not worldly values (what is temporary).
Being poor in spirit is recognizing our total dependency on God; it is opposite of pride. It is realizing we are nothing without The Lord.
*We must not excuse what causes God to mourn. God grieves over sin and wickedness in the world. We must pray for God to give us the emotions of His heart, so we can experience the comfort of God to encourage and strengthen us.🙏🏾
““Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.”
Matthew 5:3-4 NIV
(Study from Life Application Study Bible + *Tony Evans Bible Commentary)
