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From Disappointment to JOY!

Updated: Jun 21, 2020

Our Canceled Plans bring me Back to Joy!

Many who know me, know I love to cruise. Today would’ve been the 2020 Grad Cruise for both our girls. We've been planning since late 2018. I even let the girls choose the destinations. Right now, we would be sailing on the Carnival Breeze off to Honduras, Mexico, and Belize. Like most of the plans made in the world, ours was canceled. Although our travel plans are canceled, I am thankful my relationship with Jesus Christ is still active and strong.

How can I get from excitement, to disappointment & back to Joy?

I’m so glad you asked! I've asked myself the same question.

The answer is: JESUS CHRIST!

My Journey to Joy:

I was baptized at age 11, but that isn’t when I got to know Jesus. I began to study more about Him at age 29; this is where my understanding began. The year 2001 is a year many will never forget; for me, it was the year of my divorce. Not only did my marital status change, but my physical address changed. I relocated from Brooklyn, NY to our family farm land in SC (right before 9/11), and I also witnessed The Lord bring my sister through a scary health battle. Something changed: I saw God's Word come to life. I watched what Faith and Prayer could do, I realized God's Grace was seeing us through.

Something strange and amazing happened when I asked Jesus into my heart 19 yrs ago; I rededicated my life to serving Him and He made the change in me. I looked the same on the outside, but my mind was Renewed on the inside. I wanted to know more than what I was taught in Sunday school back in the day.

When going through heavy storms in life, we will need to draw on more than what we’ve heard about Daniel in the Lions Den and David and Goliath. I love those Bible lessons, and they are relevant, but I needed more.

More is exactly what Jesus gave me. I had a desire and hunger to hear God’s voice and know He wasn’t disappointed in me & the decisions I made in my life. I desperately needed to know who I was after divorce and what direction He wanted for my life.

The Lord changed my thinking and reminded me my focus had shifted from His Kingdom to the world. He told me to release my tears, because He understood my struggle. He also reassured me that my old way of thinking wasn’t based in His Truth. He was always in my ear speaking to me, but I didn't listen to Him. He has always loved me and never left me. It was me that left Him.

Because of Jesus’ Love and forgiveness, I am always able to get back to Joy. He is the Source. It is because His Spirit lives in me I have Joy. If I ever allow my flesh to doubt His Truth, His Spirit is within me asking me: "Who told you that?" The Faith He gives me overrides all doubt and fear. If The Lord helps me renew my mind (and got me driving; which was one of my biggest fears); He can help you too!

I’m so thankful for the renewed mind Jesus has given me. (Romans 12:2)

Get Back Your Joy!

You can get back to Joy too. The Journey begins with your mind. As I look back, I see what The Lord did; He moved me to where I could get to know me, with no distractions. He moved me to a setting where I could hear His voice. Can you hear His voice? Have you listened to what He says? Have you gotten to know Him for yourself?

What Jesus did for me, He can and will do for you! Your renewal can begin when you:

1)Acknowledge you need His help;

2)Believe Jesus is the Son of God, that died for our sins, is resurrected and living in Heaven with God, Our Father;

3)Confess your faults so you can be Free! (Pray and Read Romans 10:9-10)

Now that you are saved, pray daily. Understand you still have an enemy, named Satan, that wants to tempt you away from God; but know that Jesus’ Spirit in you is Greater than his schemes! (1 John 4:4)

Pray to Jesus, Listen, Follow His instruction (study His Word, Be strengthened by mature doers of His Word); expect changes for the better if you are willing to obey His Word.

You will soon see Jesus loves all of us, but life isn't about our individual plans and thoughts. God has bigger plans, and it has always been our purpose to be used for His Glory. Instead of being down about canceled plans; Give The Lord Praise and ask Him: "What can I do for Your Kingdom today?" "How can I bring You Glory?" These are the questions a renewed mind in Christ will ask. (Matthew 6:33)

Despite disappointment and loss; Focus on your Blessings. When you choose Jesus, you choose and will always have JOY!

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13

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