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Get Jesus; The Eternal Gift

Your life changes for the better when you get to know Jesus and allow Him into every area of your life. I can relay what others have told me, but I can more effectively share my living testimony. I'm a living witness of how Jesus takes brokenness and creates beauty.

Before I studied His Word, I only knew about Jesus from what I heard, and what I was taught through prayer and Sunday School. I knew Jesus was powerful, walked on water, turned water to wine, was the son of Mary and Joseph, loved me and all the little children of the world, that we prayed to Him before we ate food and every night before we went to bed.

What I learned later was so much greater! I actually experienced Jesus' love for myself. The more quiet time I spend with Him, the more His Holy Spirit speaks and reveals. No one who allows Jesus into their heart and spends time in prayer and devotion with Him leaves the same. His Holy Spirit makes sure of that. Jesus is truly our Eternal Gift.

Although, I was baptized at age eleven after taking Catechism classes, I couldn't fully understand what was happening. Now I see and I was being "trained up" in the way I should go. My Mother, Grandmother, Aunts, Uncles and Cousins made sure we had a foundation in church. This wasn't because they had to, but this was out of obedience to God's command given to every believer, "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it"

(Proverbs 22:6).

When I studied for myself and asked The Lord to come into my heart, He did. Once I allowed Him to enter every area of my life, I was able to understand more. It is something that is much better to experience first hand to believe. When I confessed even the dark places I was too ashamed to share with anyone else to Jesus; He replaced the darkness, guilt and shame with His Light. I was immediately reminded I was Loved, Forgiven and Free! I thank God for His unconditional love and sending us His Son Jesus.

Because Jesus saved me and set me free, I can look and see places in my life where I allowed the enemy, Satan, in to counter God's truth with his lies. How would I know better unless I made mistakes, take them to God in prayer, and ask Him for His help to learn, overcome and move forward?

I pray everyone that is seeking love, salvation, healing, deliverance, companionship, protection, forgiveness, validation, victory, truth, peace, joy or simply wants their pain to end...begins to call on the name of Jesus.

Jesus will hear you.

Jesus will answer you.

Jesus will forgive you.

Jesus will heal you.

Jesus will save you.

Jesus will deliver you.

Jesus will always Love you and never leave you.

Call on Jesus, believe, confess, be set free. Share your testimony with someone else so they can be set free too.

Meditate on Romans 10:9-11

"that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.”"

Enjoy Jesus, He is the Eternal Gift that keeps giving.

Be Blessed

Sis Michelle

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