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Goodbye November; Hello December!

Updated: Dec 1, 2020

From Darkness to Light...

It is safe to say almost every emotion that could be experienced, was felt this year. In the beginning, there was so much excitement, joy, and anticipation for what 2020 would bring. No one could foresee the pain, tears, confusion, hurt, anger, doubt, fear, grief, uncertainty, frustration, and even hopelessness that came and hovered over us like a dark cloud all these months. I'm sure even the strongest of believers, found their Faith tested. I know mine was!

One sure thing I chose to hold onto, and still hold onto today, is the fact that Jesus is with me. The truth is, He was always with me. He was with me during the loss of my Uncle George in April. He was with me during my bout with Covid. He comforted my family and I after we lost my close Cousin George (who was more like a father) to this awful virus. He was with us as we lost so many in our church family due to other illnesses. There was and still is so much loss. One thing that stands unmovable and brings me Peace is knowing I serve a Mighty God that is able to see me through whatever I face. I trust Him and He is in complete control.

I pray that as we enter the last month of 2020, we enter not only as a people that endured, but as a stronger people that have grown in Spirit as we draw closer to Our Heavenly Father. I pray our souls that were once confused, anxious and weary, are now restored, renewed and full of Hope. Not because everything is resolved and calm, but because we have a deeper understanding of God's unmerited gifts of Mercy and Grace. I pray as God's children, we can agree the only way we made it through this year, (every year before, and every moment to come), is by the Grace of Our Father in Heaven who sent us A Savior: His Son, Jesus Christ. He is our Hope.

For in him we live and move and have our being.' As some of your own poets have said, 'We are his offspring.' (Acts 17:28)

PS: If we want to see a better year, we must also be willing to be better servants to God and one another.

To whom much is given, much will be required (Luke 12:48)

I pray we keep seeking God's Kingdom first.

Jesus is the only One

able to get us through to 2021.

Be Blessed,

Michelle Brooks

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