Have a Blessed Last Saturday in January with Jesus.❄️ Seek Him First. Jesus watched the huge crowds waiting to hear Him, He warned His disciples, (and us today)about hypocrisy—trying to appear holy when one’s heart is far from God.
The Pharisees couldn’t keep their attitudes hidden forever. Their selfishness and ungodly attitudes would rise to the point where everyone could see them for what they really were—power-hungry imposters, not devoted and compassionate religious leaders.
It’s easy to be outraged over the actions of the Pharisees, but each of us has a little Pharisee inside of us.
What are the signs?
Knowing the truth but not obeying. People can say they follow Jesus but not be obedient to His Word.
Living a self-serving life. People may desire leadership only because they love position and control, not because they want to serve others.
Reducing faith to rigid rules. People can end up worshipping their own rules and regulations about what they think God wants instead of worshipping God Himself.
Outward conformity to rules without inner transformation of the heart. People can obey the details but still be disobedient in general behavior or attitude.
Jesus warns that these kinds of behaviors someday will be revealed for what they are.🙏🏾
“For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, nor hidden that will not be known. Therefore whatever you have spoken in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have spoken in the ear in inner rooms will be proclaimed on the housetops.”
Luke 12:2-3 NKJV
(Study from Life Application Study Bible)
