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Jesus' Direction in the Question

Updated: Sep 11, 2020

One thing a teacher gets used to is being asked a lot of questions. That is a great thing and it's how we learn; by question and answer. Before companies and merchant websites offered Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's), Jesus: The Greatest Teacher, gave the first Q & A. We have free access to His questions and answers in The Holy Bible. We have a recording of what others asked Him; what He asked others; and most of all, the questions Jesus has for us.

When you want to know more about Jesus, you are free to seek Him and ask. He told us Himself when He said:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened." Matthew 7:7-8

How does Jesus give us answers? He reveals them through His Holy Spirit. What has always intrigued me is each time Jesus asked a question, He already knew the answer. Sometimes we ask (under our breath or aloud), "Why did you ask if you already knew the answer?" Why would Jesus, who is Omniscient and knows our every thought, (even the ones we don't want Him to know) ask us any questions at all? Well, you know I had to ask. My answer is now the title of this blog. There is instruction, rebuke, wisdom, direction and Love in His questions. Every question Jesus asked was just as thought provoking as the questions He answered. We serve an Amazing God. Even His questions have revelation. The Bible reminds us when Jesus knew the evil thoughts and motives of the Pharisees:

"At this, some of the teachers of the law said to themselves, “This fellow is blaspheming!”

Knowing their thoughts, Jesus said, “Why do you entertain evil thoughts in your hearts?"

Matthew 9:3-4

Jesus' question was direct and He asked with Authority, because He has All Authority.

Learning From Questions

In Sunday school, I often asked the youth to read the passages of the lesson or scripture aloud, then I would ask them questions. Their responses revealed what they understood from the reading. The answers given also exposed if they were listening intently, half-listening or completely distracted during the reading.

The Holy Spirit is still asking us questions today. Many Christians, including myself, have become distracted during the lessons of life. Are we listening to the world, our own understanding or Jesus? Good question, huh? ;)

When I pray and speak to Jesus, He sometimes asks me a question. He gives direction in His questions. His questions evoke thoughts to get back into alignment that were heading off track. Some refer to His voice as their conscience. Since I turned my life over to Jesus, I call it what it is: His voice. His Holy Spirit leads and guides me to all Truth. Since God, The Father; The Son, Jesus; and the Holy Spirit are One, they work together for our good. His Holy Spirit cannot lie. "God is not a man, so he does not lie." Numbers 23:19

The Truth over The Lies

I can trust everything The Lord tells me. Even in His questions, I see and hear the Truth. One day, five years ago, I was asked "Who told you that?" That day, my thinking changed. How? Because I heard His question loud and clear, I immediately began to question my thoughts and hold them up to His Word. I had some more praying to do. My prayer was for Jesus to help guide my thoughts and keep them focused on His Truth, not my selfish thoughts. Jesus knows everything we are thinking. He knows whether our thoughts are anxious, joyous, dark, negative, positive, constructive, destructive, etc.

If these thoughts aren't from God where are they from? We have an enemy in this world named Satan. He has a beef with God and its personal. Take a journey to Genesis 3 and see how he tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and hasn't stopped deceiving, dividing or destroying since that day. Don't think it's true? Then just look at our world; it's out of alignment.

The same year Jesus asked me the question, a friend told me about a great book she read by Joyce Meyer, called Battlefield of the Mind. This book truly shined a spotlight on God's Word and showed how the enemy infiltrates our thoughts in many ways. The devil wants to separate all of God's children from Him and he will feed us lies all our lives to accomplish this goal. This is why the Bible says we must renew our minds (Romans 12:2); put on the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18); pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17); and Jesus instructs us to stay focused and seek first the Kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33). Following Christ is a daily walk that exercises our Faith. Any thoughts we have need to be weighed against God's Word before we act or speak.

The Ultimate Question:

Are you willing to follow Christ and live free today?

We cannot endure the issues of this life alone. God Loves us and wants whats best for us. It is The Lord's desire that all His children are set free from the condemnation of sin and for us to live abundantly in this world as we follow His direction and finally live Eternally with Him in Heaven. Not wanting us to perish for the sins we committed (from Eden up to today), God sent His only Son, Jesus, into the world to save us. (John 3:16-18) When Jesus was beaten, then crucified on the cross and died, it looked like all hope was lost and Satan would win. (Matthew 27) But on the 3rd day, a Sunday morning, Jesus arose! He defeated death, and took away Satan's attempt to separate us from God by our sins. Jesus has All power given to Him by Our Heavenly Father. Jesus appeared to His disciples and others before He ascended to Heaven where He sits on the right side of God on the throne. (Luke 24:36-39; Mark 16:19) Jesus didn't leave us alone. He sent His Holy Spirit to comfort, lead and guide us. Our enemy still exists, but he only has the power man gives him when we decide to do wrong. Fortunately, we have a Mighty Savior Jesus that is greater than our enemy in the world. (John 16:33) Although Jesus sacrificed His life for us, He will not force us to choose Him. We all have a personal choice to make:

Eternal Life with Jesus Christ or eternal fire with Satan?

Romans 10:9-10 reveals what you need to do to be saved:

"If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved."

After You Are Saved

When you fully give yourself over to Jesus Christ; your new life in Him begins. Remember, the enemy won't stop trying to deceive you. But Jesus will be by your side to guide you. *Remember who you are in Christ from Galatians 2:20.

*You will still make mistakes, but you can turn back to Jesus.

*Anything you need, Ask Jesus. Repeat His Word. His Holy Spirit will lead you in the Truth as you walk and draw closer to Him.

*Each day admit you're willing to be better than the day before.

*Jesus does expect us to follow His Word, especially these 2 commandments: Matthew 22:37-40.

*Pray Psalm 23 and the Lords Prayer Matthew 6:9-13.

Take a journey through these scriptures and let them sink in your soul. Be sure to seek God first and reach out to others that are Bible teaching, Spiritually mature believers. How will you know who they are? You will see it in their walk. Their walk will line up with the Word so you never have to ask.

Be Blessed and always know no one loves you more than Jesus!

Read The Word ~ Apply The Word ~ Speak The Word ~ Share The Word

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