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March into your New...

Updated: Mar 18, 2021

Most of us love receiving new things, but the best gift is new life. When you have a relationship with Jesus, you have everything you need to endure every part of life. We are made of flesh and blood, but we are also made in God's image. We are spiritual beings that go through ups, downs, triumph, pain, heartache, loss and prayerfully, complete joy. When we examine ourselves, and look back over our lives, we should be able to confirm we could not have done it by ourselves. Every day we have proof that we are blessed. Our evidence is God allowing us to wake and open our eyes. No man can do that.

Why do we have to be made new?

The answer is simple, yet difficult to admit and accept. The truth is we all have issues. While we are all created in the image of God, we also have a major defect. Sin. When Adam and Eve gave in to Satan's temptation in the Garden of Eden, they disobeyed God's command and forfeited eternal life. (See Genesis 3) Their actions affected creation. Because of their choice, we are all born in sin, which separates us from God. God's desire and long term plan is to reconcile us back to Him...when we seek Him. God did not force Adam and Eve to obey Him. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. That means He will not force us to come to Him. We must come on our own, trusting only He can renew our Spirit, soul and body. How can He do this? Through His only Son Jesus Christ. When we follow Jesus and learn more about His Love, Power and Grace, we begin to walk in the salvation He has for us.

No matter what you have done, as long as you believe, and confess He is Lord, you are saved. (See Romans 10:9-10)

Once we are saved we are made new in Christ. With Christ in us, we have the power to overcome darkness and live in His Light. We spend time in His presence, we have the ability to see the world through God's standard. When Jesus died on the cross for our sin, then rose on the third day with ALL Power, we no longer have to fear dying in sin! Jesus paid the ultimate price. When He ascended into Heaven to be seated with God on the throne, He left us with the best gift ever: His Holy Spirit. We can call on Him, He's there ready to renew us. We can make a mistake, He's there. We can rejoice in Victory, He's there. When we wake each morning to see a new day, Jesus' Holy Spirit is there. He is with us always.

(See Matthew 28:20)

Be Blessed

Sister Michelle

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