Have a Blessed Tuesday with Jesus. 🌿Seek Him First. Meditate on John 8. Jesus calls Himself the Light of the world. Jesus’ life was the light of humankind, and the light was brought to everyone when He became human.
Jesus came to earth to offer humankind the hope and light of His eternal life. It can’t be purchased, only received as a gift. Since darkness can never extinguish light, when we choose Jesus Christ as our Savior, we walk in His light eternally.
When we follow Jesus, the true Light, we can avoid walking blindly through the spiritual darkness that sin brings. Jesus gives us truth and lights the path ahead of us.🙏🏾
“When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.””
John 8:12 NIV
(Study from Life Application Study Bible)
