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My 3rd Author-versary!!!

God gets ALL the Glory and Praise for Who He Is.

I also am still amazed and humbled He chose an unworthy vessel, like me, to accomplish His purpose. I look back at this day, 9/18/2018, and relish the lessons learned in the process:

  • I now know that laboring for Christ is an Awesome and Rewarding lifelong assignment.

  • I've also seen how Jesus has equipped us for the journey.

  • When we wake up, we witness God's Love.

  • When we seek Him first, we see Truth, and we know our true identity in Him.

  • When we accept Jesus into our hearts, we experience God's Will for our lives.

  • I learned that of all the accomplishments in my life, (traveling to Europe, cruising, graduating college, having a job, house and car), only what I do for Christ will last.

I'd been writing for years, when God allowed me to share some of what I wrote in my journals to Him. Like Moses, I didn't feel equipped for the journey. Like Jonah, I tried to run from my assignment and do other things to occupy my time. But like Paul, God had to stop me in the midst of my busyness to focus on His path.

Once, I fully committed to doing things His way, opportunity came from everywhere. It was a different path than the rest of the world. He created a journey, just for me to walk. It was exhilarating, exciting and also completely unnerving since it was a journey I never walked myself. When you go somewhere over and over, you build confidence. This was new. I had to completely depend on God.

The Lord knew if I followed Him with this task, He could trust me with another, and another. I thank Jesus for this journey, a true labor of love. I praise Him for all He did to make it possible:

  • A beautiful friend and sister helped with the resources to fund the book.

  • My daughters contributed to the book cover with original sketched flying images of peace.

  • My former classmate from High school, did the graphics for the book cover.

  • A very close friend helped me with his gift for photography and took my book cover photos. He also did the final book cover, layout and this website.

  • God led me to a Christian Editing company to edit my book.

  • Finally God led me to where I self published this labor of love called: My Speakable Joy.

Be Blessed and encouraged. Submit and be led by The Holy Spirit. You too, will enter doors you never thought you could. Be sure to go back like the leper and thank Jesus.

Blessings and Favor,

Sis Michelle

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