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New Year; Renewed Relationship

Many begin the New Year with resolutions. If you are reading this, then you too have been blessed to see a New Year. It is not because of anything we have done to earn it; but every day is a gift from God. When we receive this blessed gift of a new day, we have the opportunity to thank God for all He has done and to submit all our concerns to Him. God sent us the Greatest Gift when He sent His Son, Jesus Christ.

I wonder how many realize how a renewed relationship with Jesus can change their lives for the better.

How many endured hardships last year? How many have been hurt? How many endured loss of loved ones? How many don't know their purpose? How many are struggling and think God has forgotten them? How many want things to change, but don't know where to start? How many are depressed or lonely? How many have not been born again?

In this huge classroom of life, I'm sure many would have raised their hands for one, a few, or all of these questions.

The truth is Jesus is answer for all of the above and more. Some find it hard to believe how Jesus can fix all the difficult issues we face. He can, and will--- if we believe. When we believe and have Faith in Jesus, then we have fellowship with Him. When we confess everything about us to Christ (good, bad and ugly); a wonderful exchange takes place: Jesus takes our pain, hurt, grief, helplessness, depression, disappointment, loneliness, pride, frustration, anger, and selfishness; then replaces it with His Love, Truth, Forgiveness, Joy, Peace, Patience, Light, Kindness, Gentleness, Hope, and Self-Control.

How does Jesus have this power? How does having a relationship with Him change things? We have to start from the beginning. In Genesis 2 we learn that God created man in His image. He has a plan for each of us. Because we have an enemy in Satan, there is evil in this world. When Adam and Eve sinned, everything in our world changed. God loves us and knew we needed a Savior. We can read about His love in John 3:16. God sent His Only Son to save us. Jesus Christ took on the punishment we deserved when He died on a cross and rose again. He has ALL power given to Him by God.

While Jesus sits on the right hand of God in Heaven, He left us with His Holy Spirit, read Mark 16:19. If you want to be saved, The Bible tells us what to do:

If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.

Romans 10:9-10 NIV.

Have a Blessed 2022 drawing closer to Jesus Christ and renewing a relationship with Him.

Be Blessed

Sis Michelle

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