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Oh, Sweet Jubilee!!

Updated: Dec 31, 2021

What do you think of when you hear "Jubilee?" What do you feel when you hear the word "Jubilee?" I always thought it was more than a party; like a celebration, but with more fanfare and possibly longer than one day. It's no wonder I've had this word on my mind. As I approach my 50th year of life in four months, I'm realizing the importance of Jubilee! It's a celebration on the 50th, but it is what comes after obedient sacrifice to God for 49 year prior.

Years ago, when God called me to teach the youth at church, I prayed. That's expected, right? Well, more interesting, was what I prayed: for God to choose someone else. Yes, I tried to avoid the assignment and almost had a Jonah-like moment. I tried to run from the work God had for me. Then God spoke again, I prayed some more and was honest about what I felt. Although I had a degree, two girls, some knowledge and a bit of experience under my belt, I felt unqualified Spiritually. I prayed for the Lord to remove my doubts and fears. I also asked Him to give me the wisdom to accomplish this great task. What He gave me was more than I prayed for and it has remained with me to this day. The gift is a closer relationship with Him. In order to help His children, I had to seek God first.

Because I felt so inadequate and unworthy, the Holy Spirit led me and helped me see how everything I experience relates to His Word. Although I'm turning an age that many people in the world have seen already, or will see, it is more meaningful knowing what fifty meant to God. Like I thought, it's major.

The number 50 is mentioned 154 times in the Bible according to:

I was particularly drawn to where Jubilee appears in the Bible. In order to fully understand Jubilee, we must know what it means and where it began. Leviticus 23 details the instructions God gave to Moses to share with the Israelites that were delivered from slavery in Egypt. Every seven years, God wanted the people to observe Him, by doing no work in the land and even slaves were to be freed. The seventh year was known as

the Sabbath year. Who would do all the work? God did it. That is reason for the joyous celebration.

Leviticus 25:8-13

The Year of Jubilee

8 “‘Count off seven sabbath years—seven times seven years—so that the seven sabbath years amount to a period of forty-nine years. 9 Then have the trumpet sounded everywhere on the tenth day of the seventh month; on the Day of Atonement sound the trumpet throughout your land. 10 Consecrate the fiftieth year and proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee for you; each of you is to return to your family property and to your own clan. 11 The fiftieth year shall be a jubilee for you; do not sow and do not reap what grows of itself or harvest the untended vines. 12 For it is a jubilee and is to be holy for you; eat only what is taken directly from the fields.

13 “‘In this Year of Jubilee everyone is to return to their own property."

Now that I know how important jubilee was to God. I'm looking forward to celebrating my five decades of life however He allows. What a Blessing it would be if we could live in Jubilee. Since I am 49, (seven times seven) this would be my Sabbath year, and I'd be preparing for Jubilee. I was inspired by The Word:

Jesus: My Daily Jubilee

As I read about Jubilee,

I can't help but smile and get happy.

It is a current Sabbath year for me,

I rejoice knowing it's a blessed gift to see.

The Lord spoke to Moses on Mt. Sinai; the name of my first church;

God's people obeyed; slaves were free and all paused from work.

They remembered whatever God allowed to yield each year was a gift;

I too, thank God for four decades; and with His Grace, I welcome my fifth.

I celebrate that Jesus is with me in every season;

All 196 of them are special for many reasons.

Each has taught a lesson that shaped who I've become;

I draw strength from Jesus knowing all of life's battles are won!

Michelle Jordan Brooks

I'm thankful for each day as I countdown to my Jubilee March 2022; and every glorious day God allows me to see.

Be Blessed as you celebrate every day, month and year God Graciously gives.

Just remember to acknowledge God every day you live.


Sister Michelle

*Enjoy the picture for this blog. 😍 It is a labor of love but also my Vision Board for 2022. Each number 50 that appears with a name is written with love from a child that was present at the Nov 14th, 2021 2nd youth outreach event,"I'm Built For This Life" hosted by Tiffany Fowler. As each child created their Vision Board for 2022, they inspired me, and much like God, blessed me in advance. I couldn't find the number 50, so they agreed to help me. If you lose sight of or never knew your purpose, remember to seek God First...He will reveal it when you draw near to Him. Then you too, will celebrate the Gift of each day...and walk in your own Jubilee!🎉🤗🤩

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