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Ready or Not, Here it Comes: Embracing a New Season

It's no secret, (and we don't need a vote to tell us) that many are ready for this year to end. I have seen viewed many posts, comments and even hashtags that mention 2020 should be thrown in the trash. Some of us have witnessed more challenges and loss than any other year in our lives. Almost every American has had to express condolences to, or comfort and encourage someone through these difficult times. I pray we believe and trust God for better better days, but I also pray we understand there is more required of us in this season. When we finally put on our Spiritual Glasses, we see there is something Our Heavenly Father wants from ALL His children. A closer relationship with Him. Why? Because God created us, loves us and knows we cannot handle all life's twists and turns without His help and guidance. We have His power and all the Fruit of his Spirit when we stay close to Him.

Question: How do we get closer to God, learn and grow from all we experienced in 2020 and embrace 2021?

Answer: Jesus Christ

Before this year ends, there must be more self examination. Just when we think we've learned it all, God reveals there is more to learn. The way we learn is through prayer, studying His Holy Bible and applying His Word to our daily lives.

1. The first step to having a relationship with God is knowing Who He is:

He is The Beginning.

God is the Creator of the universe and everything that exists. (Study Genesis 1, 2) He is One God that exists in three persons; called the Holy Trinity. The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit are co-equal, and co-eternal. They are distinct, yet they work in unity. They have the same nature and same attributes and are worthy of our worship and obedience.

Matthew 28:19

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit . . .”

2. The next step in having a relationship with God is knowing who we are:

We are made in His image.

We need to remember who we are: Spirit (made in God's image); Soul (our thoughts, feelings); and body (flesh and blood). We must learn to seek God's Kingdom First. Only He can keep us in alignment. We have an enemy in Satan. He has a beef with ALL God's children and seeks to separate us from Him. Satan tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden and she and Adam disobeyed God. (Study Genesis 3) When we choose to follow His Only Son Jesus, we are set free from sin. When I seek God first, my day may not go as planned, but I trust that He has complete control and I have His Peace. I've learned to give God thanks and acknowledge His majesty, despite what is going on around me. When I pray for others that are going through, I also ask Him to forgive me of my sins, create a clean heart and renew a right Spirit within me.

Matthew 6:33

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.

3. The next step in having a relationship with God is accepting His Son as your personal Savior:

We are free in Christ Jesus.

When we read that we are set free, we also understand that there is something that binds us:

sin. Sin is anything that keeps us from doing the Will of God. Sin binds us because it keeps us separated from God. God is Truth, Light and Life, and sin leads to destruction, darkness and death. God loves us so much, He didn't want our sinful nature to keep us from spending eternity with Him. He sent His Only Son, Jesus Christ, to die for us and set us free. When we accept Jesus' invitation for salvation, He becomes our Mediator. God no longer sees our sin, He sees His Son.

John 8: 36

So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

Now, the choice is ours. Believe, confess and live with Jesus in eternity, or continue to live in bondage to sin. Once you confess, you are saved by His Grace and you are free!

Let's go into 2021 with our Spiritual Glasses on and our personal relationship with God renewed. He wants us to Love, pray, listen, obey, apply His Word to our lives.

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