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Surprise!!! Your Gift is NOT for You

Updated: Nov 10, 2018

We often compliment others on their anointed voices or comment on pastor's and minister's that bring forth God's Holy Word week after week with such clarity and zeal. There is a reason we feel this joy...our souls are moved in the Spirit as we agree one with another. We are on one accord sharing our talents and our spiritual gifts.

It took a while to realize my gifts. To my surprise I had been sharing them. Every time I encouraged another child of God, I was operating in my spiritual gift. When it came to writing my book of poetry, I choked. Why? My excuse was I wanted to keep that part of my gift between me and God. It was our thing. It was my personal spiritual journey...wasn't it? God answered me loud and clear: "No." He reminded me of a song I sang years ago on the youth choir. The lyrics spoke about being the light of the world, a city that sits on a hill cannot be hidden. As I grew older and began to study for myself, I was pleased to know I was singing the scripture from Matthew 5:14-16 (KJV)

The more I studied; the more I prayed; the more I watched other talented people share their gifts; God reminded me that sharing my gift is no different. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 12:4-6 (NIV) "There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work."

It is truly awesome that Our Heavenly Father not only gave us life, but gave each saved Christian at least one spiritual gift! These gifts are so intentional, God has each gift assigned as He chooses. No one does anything to earn their spiritual gifts. The sole purpose is to share them to build up the Body of Christ. Please read 1 Corinthians 12 for yourself, pray and ask God to reveal your gift(s) and how He wants you to use it (them).

Simply put; we can no longer keep to ourselves the gifts God placed inside of us to share and help others grow in Christ Jesus. Our spiritual gifts were never for us, they are to edify and uplift the Body of Christ. Enjoy your journey!

God Bless,


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