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Twelve Thank You's for 12 Months

Updated: Mar 6, 2021

Despite the difficulties of this year, we should be able to take away some life changing lessons learned. I challenge you to meditate on the last 12 months and see if you can think of 12 reasons to say Thank You Jesus.

I can think of at least 12 Reasons to say "Thank You Jesus":

1) Thank you Jesus for allowing me to draw closer to You while remaining socially distant from everyone else. You reminded us that You, alone, are in complete control. My hope and trust are in You!

2) Thank you Jesus for giving me more quiet time to reflect, study Your Word, praise God for the small things and focus on what is really important: Kingdom business and family.

3) Thank you Jesus for showing me no matter what I lacked, there was still something I could do for others. Whether it was helping our youth send letters of love to our church family, blessing our pastor and officers with Father's day devotion booklets, Face-timing and calling to check in with family or assisting other churches serve the needs in our community. I'm thankful for every creative method used to stay connected.

4) Thank you Jesus for the blessing of two major milestones: our oldest, Alanna received her 2nd degree and our youngest Sabrina graduated high school. Although our baby didn't get to have a Senior prom; her father and I were blessed to see her walk across the stage outdoors and receive her diploma.

5) Thank you Jesus for allowing me to live out the church covenant I read every 1st Sunday before Holy Communion. While church doors were closed and we were able to view sermons online, my soul was abundantly blessed to be able to unite with our sister church and worship outside. Praising The Lord in His masterpiece was like having a slice of heaven on earth. God blessed us with the favor of great weather the entire nine months! Looking up at a blue sky, listening to birds sing nearby and watch them fly over us, felt like they were joining us as we sang, praised, prayed and received The Word. Truly a Blessed worship experience I'll never forget.

6) Thank you Jesus for delivering me through my battle with Covid-19 in September. Psalm 23 is not just a popular scripture to recite, but a Spiritual prayer of covering to be experienced. After five days with fever, feeling weak and tired, I truly felt as though I walked through the valley of the shadow of death. I also felt The Holy Spirit all around me. I felt the warmth and power of each prayer warrior. I repeated God's Word out loud. Whenever doubt crept in my mind and fear of the unknown tried to keep me from sleeping, I was reminded of God's promise that He would never leave me nor forsake me. I'm grateful to be here, and so thankful I didn't pass the virus to my girls.

7) Thank you Jesus for comforting me and our family through the difficult loss of my Cousin George. He was like a father to me and a grandfather to my girls. We prayed for his healing and victory from Covid, but his victory was received on the other side. My family and I truly experienced Matthew 5:4. We mourn, and share a huge void, but we are comforted knowing George knew Jesus and we who are in Christ will see him again.

8) Thank you Jesus for allowing me to still have a job, provide for my family and be able to work from home. This gave me more time with my girls and helped me stay healthy. Normally, with my allergies, sinus and Asthma, I would've endured upper respiratory episodes when the seasons changed. God's Goodness and Mercy followed me.

9) Thank you Jesus for reminding me when I apply Faith to any situation, God is pleased. Growing Spiritually is what I desire most. You showed me I didn't have to be in a Sunday School classroom setting to teach God's Word. You give me Joy on the inside that I can share wherever I go. Thank you for allowing others to see Your Light through me.

10) Thank you Jesus for exposure. Thank you for revealing that not everyone who cries "Lord, Lord" knows You, or has a relationship with You. Help us to pray and continue to lift You up, so You can draw all men to You. Help us to realize we are created to worship you and use our gifts to uplift The Body of Christ.

11) Thank you Jesus for self-reflection. Thank you for searching me, thank you for your gift of forgiveness and for helping me forgive others. Thank you for being patient as I examine myself. I fall short often. Thank you for creating in me a clean heart and renewing a right Spirit within me.

12) Thank you Jesus for Grace, Mercy, salvation, protection, provision and for allowing me live to see another day. Every day I draw breath, I'm reminded it is a precious gift. I pray with each day you grant me to live, I will share Your Holy Word with others and help to uplift all while on this Christian journey.

A New Chapter 2021 for ALL

In order to have a truly Happy NEW Year we must enter in with renewed hearts and minds. If not, the same wounds, sadness, depression, and negative thoughts will follow and it will seem like another "bad" year. I pray we all make a choice to be changed and to grow Spiritually. I pray we acknowledge God is in control. I pray we ask Jesus for a renewed heart and a renewed mind. I pray we trust Jesus more than man, and we pray for others to be made whole in Him.

Let's Make 2021 the BEST ever by getting to know Jesus better!

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 15:13

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